
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Australian Based Miss Solomon 2016 Contestant reply to criticism

Sara Cave.... Miss Solomon 2016 Contestant

Miss Solomon Contestant reply to criticism:

Miss Solomon Islands 2016 Pageant contestant Sara Cave accepted critics opinion that she should not be qualified to compete in the up-coming event because she is without a Solomon Islands passport.
Ms Cave whose mother is part Malaita and Western province and father from Australia said that Solomon Islands is where her people are and that she know the real struggle at home.

She said she hopes that those who criticize her will come to understand her more as a person in the Queen pageant.  She maintains that Criticism will never discourage her from pursuing her dreams.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I would just like just like everyone to acknowledge that I come to Solomons every chance that I get and I was born here,” she said.
“As soon as I arrive, I am normally on a ship straight back to my village whether that be in west or Malaita. My people know who I am and I know who they are. Because of this I know who I am as a Solomon Islander and the Criticisms don’t phase me,” she affirmed.

Ms cave explained that she was born at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara and later went over to Australia for schooling and was fortunate enough to have her mother as role model.

 “I hope that I can inspire young women like my mother inspire me. Because of this lesson I have been fortunate enough to achieve what I have at such a young age, from studying engineering to been published a book,” she said.

She said that she was so honoured to be given the opportunity contest for the Miss Solomon Islands and see it as a chance to inspire girls to achieve their dreams and be the Voice of a change in the country.
“Something I learnt from this life is success comes through hard work. Although I am still a student, I have applied this lesson to all areas pf my life,” she continued.
“Once I had to paddle five hours up the Island of Rendova just to deliver a message. I’ve been on three hour truck rides to get to my village in Malaita in the pouring rain where the only to keep me dry was a tarp. I think those who criticize me as a contestant don’t understand me as a person and will be quick to Judge,” Ms cave said.

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