
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Solomon Islands Second Quarter news 2016

RSIPF acknowledge cooperation from 

Police raid illegal liquor outlets and arrested suspect

ROYAL SOLOMON Islands Police Force (RSIPF) applauds responsible communities for cooperating with the Police which resulted in Cartons of beer confiscated during successful raid of illegal liquor outlets in Honiara this week.
Deputy Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi speaking to Island sun through wire yesterday maintains that the success of any operation depends mainly on the partnership and support from responsible communities and the general public.
He said that Police is implementing an intelligence led policy as part of Crime Prevention strategy. He maintains, the approach will be effective with continuing collaboration and partnership with communities.
Police reported that “Honiara police conducted a swift raid on Thursday this week in support of the Liquor Unit and with the assistance of the Crime Response Unit (CRU) Team.”
 There are two Warrants been Executed on two separate locations at Mbokonavera, The first one was done at the EZZY Taxi base where we successfully confiscate 10 cartons of SB beer,10 crate of Solbrew bottle beer and 77 loose solbrew bottle beer, arrested the male accused”

“At bahai police managed to confiscate 7 crate of solbrew bottle beer,8 cartons of SB and 3 solbrew beer cartons as unclaimed Liquor, so during police raid police manage to confiscate a total of 18 cartons of SB,17 crate of solbrew bottle beer,3 cartons of solbrew cans and 77 loose solbrew bottle in total. The suspect arrested. Both accused were deal with accordingly to appear Honiara Magistrate court.”

“All citizen of this country we need to focus on a shift into prevention focus activities, aim for a reduction in reported cases in the period 2016 to 2018, aim for a reduction in the number of cases refer to the justice sector pipeline in the period 2016 - 2018, reduce the number of people suffering the trauma of victimisation, provide more opportunities to be proactive and innovative, make the Solomon islands will be a safer place to live and in which we do business etc.”  Statement from the Deputy Commissioner reads.
Mr. Manelusi advised communities and the public to take leadership and assist Police in continuing response to right places, right people and at the right time.  He pointed out that partnership as part of crime prevention strategy is a way forward in alleviating crime, not only that but will help reduce fear of crimes and build relationship with communities for  safety and peaceful environment.
The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) was established in 1954. Its mission is to provide a safe and peaceful Solomon Islands by strengthening relationships with the community. The RSIPF strive to provide efficient and effective policing services for the Solomon Islands and expect RSIPF officers to adhere to the RSIPF values.

Partnership Vital for Crime Prevention: Police

DEPUTY COMMISSIONER of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Gabriel Manelusi upholds that constant collaboration between Police and Communities is important for preventing crimes in the communities.  
He pointed out that  crime prevent focuses mainly on building relation among the law enforcers and communities to work in partnership which will provide effective ways to mitigate crimes in the communities. Not only that but law-enforcers, Community partnership will also reduce fear of crime and promote safe and peaceful environment within communities.
Also in a  statement dispatched to the paper last week, he said “All citizen of this country we need to focus on a shift into prevention focus activities, aim for a reduction in reported cases in the period 2016 to 2018, aim for a reduction in the number of cases refer to the justice sector pipeline in the period 2016 - 2018, reduce the number of people suffering the trauma of victimization, provide more opportunities to be proactive and innovative, make the Solomon islands a safer place to live and in which we do business.”
 He applauds responsible citizens for assisting the Liquor Unit and Crime Response Unit in relation to a successful raid of illegal liquor outlets at Tandai and Mbokonavera Thursday last week.
He praised such action as a sign of cooperation and continues to urge people to take ownership for everybody’s safety.

Cocoa producers reminded on quality control

THE MINISTRY of agriculture and livestock (MAL) reminded local cocoa producers that value adding, downstream processing and quality controls are measures that must be considered in order to satisfy chocolate markets.
 Permanent secretary Jimi Salea on behalf of the responsible Minister during last week’s inaugural Cocoa Quality and Chocolate week in Honiara highlighted good agricultural practices as repercussion to high quality production of the crop.
“Cocoa is a tree that needs special care and attention. Farmers can tell us more on this. Quality we begins with good agricultural practices. The more attention we give to our Cocoa trees, the better the outcome in terms of higher yields and better quality.” He maintains
Mr Saelea upholds that the information gathered during the event has conveyed the standard through which producers can boost production in terms of value adding, down steam processing and quality control.
“This historic event will already tell us so many things we need to do in our efforts to satisfy the specialty chocolate markets.” He said.
 “For you farmers it tells you who has been doing the right thing. But let me thank those of you who participated towards the success of this historic event.” He said.
“Cocoa development is a priority strategic action within the DCC Government policy.” He added
 “The Government is committed to supporting the sector, to see increase in the production and export of high quality smoke free dried cocoa beans to niche or high end markets that offers higher and competitive prices and recognizes the value of SI cocoa beans.
“It is anticipated that farmers or producers who tried their best to produce the best quality beans must be able to receive the best price as well.”
 “this very event marks another step the ladder for our cocoa Industry. For this, on behalf of the Government of Solomon Islands, we are so thankful to our overseas friends who left their businesses to Solomon Islands to help us in our efforts to develop our cocoa industry, in order for us to promote Solomon Cocoa globally.” He said.

RWASH ongoing in north Guadalcanal

 North Guadalcanal are benefiting from the Solomon Islands Government’s (S.I.G) funded Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (RWASH) rain catchment project, started in March 2016.
Chief Health Inspector in the Environmental health department of Ministry of Health ( MHMS) Leonard Olivera said, as part the program,  participants from stakeholders that had attended a four days community engagement, monitoring and evaluation training, which was completed yesterday, visited  Vutu community in North Guadalcanal this week.
He said Guadalcanal province, live and learn, Red Cross and save the children engaging in RWASH programs in the province, are monitoring the progress of the project in the community. The project is ongoing in terms of installation of water tanks for Vutu community.
Mr. Olivera upholds that stakeholders deliberated on the challenges of implementing community engagement process, understanding monitoring aspects and practical application to the scope of Monitoring and evaluation for community WASH training.
Representatives from Stakeholders which had attended the four days refresher training acknowledge that it provides opportunity for stakeholders involving in RWASH program to be able to come together and share experiences.
Chief health inspector of Guadalcanal province James Rizu thanked the National RWASH office for the accomplishment of the training.
He also recognized it as the opportunity to visit project sites and be able to monitor the outcome of RWASH projects in the community.
Not only that but he pointed out that it will help stakeholders to make improvement regarding current RWASH project implementation as well as on how to approach future projects earmarked for the province.
RWASH Water tank project in Vutu community which is still on implementation is expected to complete by July 2016.
 Mr. Olivera acknowledges that stakeholders from various experiences and knowledge made important contributions to the overall success of the training.
“The workshop had met its objectives after the four days training. This type of training is expected to continue in other provinces next month and the rest of the year.” He said.
He also mentioned that during the stakeholders’ field trip, Chairman of Vutu community acknowledges the government’s support through RWASH which he said enables the community to access clean water.
Director of Environmental Health Tom Nanau upholds, communities have to organize themselves and take responsibility of facilities to ensure sustainability of the project.
 RWASH is a National Government Commitment of improving populations’ access to clean water and sanitation.
According to RWASH policy   “Access to water and sanitation is a universal human right (UN Declaration July 2010).   Water and sanitation can be directly linked to health, dignity, equality and safety, and sustainable environments, as well as being an economic investment.

Commitment to Solid waste Management Vital
 Making commitment to improve solid waste management is a way forward to addressing the environmental health issue in Honiara.
Director of Environmental Health Tom Nanau told Island Sun this week that waste management is currently seen as big issue, and which requires everybody’s commitment.
He suggested that responsible authorities, Businesses and residences have to continually recognize, appreciate and response to the importance of waste management in the city. Not only that, stake holders campaigns have to also focus on making the appeal of a change mindset to the wider community in order that objective of solid waste management campaigns can be achieved.
He had also indicated that enforcement aspects have to be deterrent and Honiara City Council (HCC) to actively enforce of applicable bylaws.
Mr. Nanau furthers that while the wider community is seems to be ignorant HCC needs to be firm in resolving the issue and committed to enforcement, by assigning different people to engage in various roles.
On the other hand, a Source from the HCC enforcement maintains that anyone found guilty of littering is liable to fine according to HCC ordinance.
He maintains, a waste management committee was set up in 2015 to administer waste management programs. However the source said if the committee will going to be active in executing its role then it is likely that those ignorant to HCC rules will going to be stopped by enforcement officers on daily basis.
The source further mentioned that there is current scarcity in the logistic support in terms of waste management in Honiara, and as result solid wastes accumulates in the large Bins.
In relation he said HCC is working towards passing the betel nut ordinance.

New home for gov’t ICT service unit

The Information and Communication Technology Service Unit (ICTSU) in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury will going to have a new ICT purpose built office block by 2017.
 The building that will cater for less than 100 officers will include a secured datacenter and couple of training and conference facilities. The estimated 57 million Dollar structure is expected to be completed in October 2017.
The ICT service Unit confirmed, James CuBitt Achitects (JCA) in association with Nambawan Architects were engaged to undertake the design and documentation of the new two story information, communication and Technology Office building. The new facility aims to provide business service co-ordination and ICT Operational support to government ministries.
In his Keynote address on behalf of the minister during the ground breaking ceremony at Lengakiki Ridge on Friday permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma recognized the presence of government officials and stakeholders as an acknowledgement of the network the ministry has developed over the years.
“I thank you most sincerely for accepting our invitation to witness the ground breaking ceremony of SIG ICTSU new complex.  Our invitation to you is to acknowledge the network the Ministry has developed with you over the past years.”
“Today we will be witnessing another milestone in a short history of Solomon Islands Government ICT Services and deliveries. From a humble beginning, operating as an Electric Data Processing section under Treasury Division of Ministry of Finance and Treasury, to where we are today.”  He said.
“Four years ago, a government network was constructed over 93 different locations across Honiara, from white river to Tetere with funding assistance from RAMSI. The government network was sucessfuly completed and launched in 2013 with the slogan “Enhancing Government Business Processes’. To date, the network has extended to nine provincial centers and sites. There are just over 5000 users and end devices connected to this network. It is a biggest centralized network in the region.”
“Sometimes ago, ICTSU HAD been affected due to near disaster incidences, thus ICTSU been moved to four different locations temporarily and remotely providing ICT services. In ensuring that ICTSU has a permanent home, under the leadership of former PSF, Mr. Shadrach Fanega, this piece of land was identified and secured for ICTSU Office Building.”

“This ground breaking ceremony today saw the dawn of a place for ICTSU to call home. It is our belief that at the completion of the building will provide spacious and working environment for ICT technical staff.” He added.
The Permanent secretary in his speech also upholds that with the ICT infrastructure and information system, the government with help from Donor partners have put in about one hundred million Dollars.
The SIG ICT support unit was established in 2011 when Cabinet endorsed the centralization strategy of ICT core functions and service deliveries for the whole government.


Weather Coast parent calls for provision of Vaccines

A SOUTH Guadalcanal parent raised a health concern regarding the unavailability of vaccines for newborns at the constituency’s health clinic since 2015.
He said nurses at Viso rural health center which serves eight villages in south Guadalcanal are not able to provide essential injections for babies for almost a year. He furthers that the vaccines are not available at the rural health clinic due to the unavailability of a functioning freezer to store the drugs.
The concerned parent urged provincial health authority to promptly address the children’s need as it is the right of the newborns to be protected against preventable infections.
Not only that but he had also questioned whether responsible authorities are serious in addressing the health issue.
The paper was not able to reach the responsible health authority yesterday for a reply on the issue.
 On the 22nd of last month, SIBC reported that during the launch of the National Health Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020 the day before, “Health minister Dr. Tautai Angikimua Kaitu’u has assured Solomon Islanders, the Democratic Coalition for Change Government intends to improve health facilities in Honiara and the provinces.”
Short land Elder queried investigation into mono incident….

A short land elder wants the Police to promptly deal with what he claims as19 suspects in relation to the Mono incidents last year, which had caused loss of life.
He alleged that criminals who had involved in brawl and raiding of Police post and Logging camp at mono Islands in mid 2015 are still on the run. Not only that but he furthers that the opposing group which he described as anti-loggers are also defying court restraint order and continue to enter restricted logging compounds.
The Short land elder who requested anonymity also said that the group which had caused the havoc does not represents the people in the community. He said as a landowner representing the tribes of Mono he appealed for the Police to promptly arrest the suspects whom he pointed out as a remaining treat to mono community.
 He also clarified that tribes that made the agreement with Rijam Logging Company are not part of the anti-loggers. He said one of the 20, suspected to have involved in the mono incident was arrested and still on remand.
However, statement dispatched by Police Media Unit to this paper yesterday maintains that while arrests still to be made investigation on the matter is ongoing.
 “Our police response to the complaints and allegations is that, police have already conducting investigating to the concern matters. The wanted suspects were investigated, and Police is yet to make the arrests of the remaining suspects. An ongoing police investigation is underway.”  Statement from the Police media Unit reads.

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