
Monday 21 November 2016


Tuesday 1 November 2016


Exceptional wedding at HERITAGE PARK HOTEL....

HERITAGE PARK HOTEL hosted a unique wedding ceremony on the 1st of November 2016 for Australian Couple, Adam Steven Frew and wife Briohny Erin Cook from cairns Australia.
 The fascinated couple tied the knot at the Hotel’s Splash Bar accompanied by daughter Ruby Frew, after they had signed the marriage certificate at the Honiara’s Magistrate court upon arrival early in the morning on board P&O Australia operated Tourist boat, Pacific Eden.
They travelled to Honiara on the cruise ship via PNG and are amazed at the welcoming culture and friendly atmosphere in the tropical Solomon Islands.
The bride said that their first plan was to organize their wedding on the grand Cruiser.
However, googling for Hotels and Resorts in Honiara during the cruise directed them to the Hotel’s website (
 They had wanted to begin their honeymoon in a unique and different setting, so they changed their plan for a magnificent wedding at a world class hospitality provider in an idealistic tropical setting.
She said, what impressed her at first glimpse is the picture of the Splash Bar’s Poolside and while at the Hotel, prior to exchanging wows with the groom, she was satisfied that the real life scene confirms the pictures on the website.
Not only is that but the couple are more satisfied that they had chosen the best hotel in the capital with pleasant atmosphere.  The bridal procession was graced by Panpipe Music, young escorts in traditional costumes, local Hotel attendants and aides from the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB).
 The intrigued couple who fulfilled their plan and begin a new journey in their life in the Tropical Island Country said that Solomon Islands is truly a happy isle. “Solomon Islands is one of the friendliest places we’ve been to,” Mr Frew said.
“Just like the picture, the weather is perfect,” the bride said.  I like the heat, a perfect place to be,” the groom added.
Briohny said, the happy isle is incredible and they were blown away by the culture and friendliness they discovered in Honiara.
She said, they are informing their families and friends in Australia and New Zealand about their Tropical wedding, on Social Media.
The “one of a kind” wedding ceremony was conducted by United Church Minister Reverend Willie Maezama. Reverend Maezama who owned a rest house in Honiara is a keen promoter of Tourism in the country.
He upholds that the advantage of conducting marriage outside the church is the freedom of meeting the tourists to assist them in their new experiences as well as helping them to be more aware of the happy isle.
He suggested the government have to be lenient and amend the existing applicable law to allow other avenues for the hosting of Marriages.


Wednesday 5 October 2016

Australian Based Miss Solomon 2016 Contestant reply to criticism

Sara Cave.... Miss Solomon 2016 Contestant

Miss Solomon Contestant reply to criticism:

Miss Solomon Islands 2016 Pageant contestant Sara Cave accepted critics opinion that she should not be qualified to compete in the up-coming event because she is without a Solomon Islands passport.
Ms Cave whose mother is part Malaita and Western province and father from Australia said that Solomon Islands is where her people are and that she know the real struggle at home.

She said she hopes that those who criticize her will come to understand her more as a person in the Queen pageant.  She maintains that Criticism will never discourage her from pursuing her dreams.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I would just like just like everyone to acknowledge that I come to Solomons every chance that I get and I was born here,” she said.
“As soon as I arrive, I am normally on a ship straight back to my village whether that be in west or Malaita. My people know who I am and I know who they are. Because of this I know who I am as a Solomon Islander and the Criticisms don’t phase me,” she affirmed.

Ms cave explained that she was born at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara and later went over to Australia for schooling and was fortunate enough to have her mother as role model.

 “I hope that I can inspire young women like my mother inspire me. Because of this lesson I have been fortunate enough to achieve what I have at such a young age, from studying engineering to been published a book,” she said.

She said that she was so honoured to be given the opportunity contest for the Miss Solomon Islands and see it as a chance to inspire girls to achieve their dreams and be the Voice of a change in the country.
“Something I learnt from this life is success comes through hard work. Although I am still a student, I have applied this lesson to all areas pf my life,” she continued.
“Once I had to paddle five hours up the Island of Rendova just to deliver a message. I’ve been on three hour truck rides to get to my village in Malaita in the pouring rain where the only to keep me dry was a tarp. I think those who criticize me as a contestant don’t understand me as a person and will be quick to Judge,” Ms cave said.

Sunday 2 October 2016


Government and Non-Government Programs may have been implemented with the aim to help address Youth Unemployment in the country. However a lot of young people after being dropped out of school are not sure of what to do and many of them are still seeking  employment.
 What do you think responsible leaders should do to help this dynamic group?


                                                   Becky Maetia (Mt Horeb)
 Establish technical Schools for girls and train them to manufacture Clothes,        Bags and Handicrafts. Our Girls have those potentials we only need to develop and  utilize their skills then we will also stop importing some of those  products.

Dr Alison Hitu (Legakiki)

Give more powers to Solomon Islanders so that local can have their own businesses. There are certain businesses that should not be given to foreigners.

Alpheus Gali (Tasahe)
Community Youth Leaders should seek assistance from the Government to help the unemployed young people in the community. Another important thing is leaders of the youth groups must be honest with funds. Misusing of funds may discourage the young ones.

Henry Musuota (White River)

     I think that the Government should have a target. For instance, once in a       year at least five to ten percent of the unemployed youths should have a regular paid job.

The Ministry of Infrastructure has to provide opportunities for the youths to engage in roadworks.

Martin Baedonga (Borderline)
The Government has to create more job opportunities for the youths. 
Involve them in the roadworks as well as infrastructure training.

Seny Shadrach (Burns Creek)
Members of Parliament should create consistent youth programs for their youths. They are not stable if they have nothing to focus on.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant 2016


SIX contestants are selected to compete in this year’s Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant, advocating the theme “Women the Pillars of Society – Past, Present and Future”.
They are Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Camilla Grossmith, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Sara Cave.
They were selected out of 11 entrants after an interview last week.
Director of Solomon Host, Joyce Konofilia said she is happy with the selection and very proud of the girls. She also thanks Coral Sea for being the platinum sponsor for this year.
“We had an interview last week, it was very tough, and so we had to drop some girls," She said.
So we have the six best ones.”
Five of the contestant spoke to the media yesterday while an internationally based contestant, Sara, will join them next week.
“We will be starting the rehearsal for cut walk and charity visits. The sixth contestant will joined them on Monday or Tuesday.
“I think this year is going to be very tough compared to the previous years, all the girls are highly educated and very confident, and looking forward to a very tough competition. She said, Solomon Host is looking forward to get the best girl to represent the country at the miss South Pacific Pageant in Samoa.
Ms Konofilia said it will be easier to organise a smaller group and will be great to have the crowning at the Coral Sea resort, which is now gaining popularity.
The contestants said that involving in the event means a lot to them as the first time experience will help them in life and also to advocate for gender equality.
The contestants said that the show is important to enhance confidence, self-esteem and to empower young women and also to be an inspiration to other girls.
Ms Konofilia said, “A lot of people already asking about the crowing and I’m really optimistic it’s going to be a great event for this year.”
Coral Seas Food and Beverage Manager Steve Cameron said, “I think it will be a really good show, I wish them every success, we are proud to have it. We are a new venture for Solomon Islands and Honiara and I think it’s a really good thing to do for the local community and local women as I said we employ a lot of women here.”
Coral Sea Resort and Casino sealed the agreement with organizer, Solomon Host on Wednesday.
The pageant will be from October 27 – 29, 2016, and the winner will represent the country in the Miss South Pacific Pageant on November in Samoa.

Left-Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Steve Cameron-Food and Beverage Manager Coral Sea Resort, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Camilla Grossmith posing for the Camera during a press conference on Tuesday 27th of September 2016 at the Coral Sea Resort.

Elizabeth Makini in a press conference Tuesday 27th September 2016

Camilla Grossmith

Ruthina Koroa

Falu Alatala

Zinnia Leamana

Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant 2016


SIX contestants are selected to compete in this year’s Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant, advocating the theme “Women the Pillars of Society – Past, Present and Future”.
They are Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Camilla Grossmith, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Sara Cave.
They were selected out of 11 entrants after an interview last week.
Director of Solomon Host, Joyce Konofilia said she is happy with the selection and very proud of the girls. She also thanks Coral Sea for being the platinum sponsor for this year.
“We had an interview last week, it was very tough, and so we had to drop some girls," She said.
So we have the six best ones.”
Five of the contestant spoke to the media yesterday while an internationally based contestant, Sara, will join them next week.
“We will be starting the rehearsal for cut walk and charity visits. The sixth contestant will joined them on Monday or Tuesday.
“I think this year is going to be very tough compared to the previous years, all the girls are highly educated and very confident, and looking forward to a very tough competition. She said, Solomon Host is looking forward to get the best girl to represent the country at the miss South Pacific Pageant in Samoa.
Ms Konofilia said it will be easier to organise a smaller group and will be great to have the crowning at the Coral Sea resort, which is now gaining popularity.
The contestants said that involving in the event means a lot to them as the first time experience will help them in life and also to advocate for gender equality.
The contestants said that the show is important to enhance confidence, self-esteem and to empower young women and also to be an inspiration to other girls.
Ms Konofilia said, “A lot of people already asking about the crowing and I’m really optimistic it’s going to be a great event for this year.”
Coral Seas Food and Beverage Manager Steve Cameron said, “I think it will be a really good show, I wish them every success, we are proud to have it. We are a new venture for Solomon Islands and Honiara and I think it’s a really good thing to do for the local community and local women as I said we employ a lot of women here.”
Coral Sea Resort and Casino sealed the agreement with organizer, Solomon Host on Wednesday.
The pageant will be from October 27 – 29, 2016, and the winner will represent the country in the Miss South Pacific Pageant on November in Samoa.

Left-Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Steve Cameron-Food and Beverage Manager Coral Sea Resort, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Camilla Grossmith posing for the Camera during a press conference on Tuesday 27th of September 2016 at the Coral Sea Resort.

Elizabeth Makini in a press conference Tuesday 27th September 2016

Camilla Grossmith

Ruthina Koroa

Falu Alatala

Zinnia Leamana

Miss Solomon Islands Pageant 2016

Left- Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Steve Cameron Food and Beverage Manager Coral Sea Resort, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Carmilla Grossmith. 

SIX contestants are selected to compete in this year’s Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant, advocating the theme “Women the Pillars of Society – Past, Present and Future”.
They are Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Camilla Grossmith, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Sara Cave.
They were selected out of 11 entrants after an interview last week.
Director of Solomon Host, Joyce Konofilia said she is happy with the selection and very proud of the girls. She also thanks Coral Sea for being the platinum sponsor for this year.
“We had an interview last week, it was very tough, and so we had to drop some girls," She said.
So we have the six best ones.”
Five of the contestant spoke to the media yesterday while an internationally based contestant, Sara, will join them next week.
“We will be starting the rehearsal for cut walk and charity visits. The sixth contestant will joined them on Monday or Tuesday.
“I think this year is going to be very tough compared to the previous years, all the girls are highly educated and very confident, and looking forward to a very tough competition. She said, Solomon Host is looking forward to get the best girl to represent the country at the miss South Pacific Pageant in Samoa.
Ms Konofilia said it will be easier to organise a smaller group and will be great to have the crowning at the Coral Sea resort, which is now gaining popularity.
The contestants said that involving in the event means a lot to them as the first time experience will help them in life and also to advocate for gender equality.
The contestants said that the show is important to enhance confidence, self-esteem and to empower young women and also to be an inspiration to other girls.
Ms Konofilia said, “A lot of people already asking about the crowing and I’m really optimistic it’s going to be a great event for this year.”
Coral Seas Food and Beverage Manager Steve Cameron said, “I think it will be a really good show, I wish them every success, we are proud to have it. We are a new venture for Solomon Islands and Honiara and I think it’s a really good thing to do for the local community and local women as I said we employ a lot of women here.”
Coral Sea Resort and Casino sealed the agreement with organizer, Solomon Host on Wednesday.
The pageant will be from October 27 – 29, 2016, and the winner will represent the country in the Miss South Pacific Pageant on November in Samoa.

Honiara Senior High School Annual Cultural Show 2016

19 CULTURAL dancing groups graced the second Honiara Senior High school Annual Cultural Show this week at the school hall.
Deputy Principal of Honiara Senior High School John Iromea said that the two days’ cultural show on Tuesday and Wednesday goes hand in hand with the school sports tournament which has began on Thursday, and will end on Saturday.
He explains, rather than sending request directly to parents and guardians, the school also uses the event to raise funds to meet provincial groupings’ end year comradeships.
Ethnic groupings showcasing their identity through Dances and Display are Kudaiasi ,Kakaboa, Ma’asina, Manuitolo, Dodore, Manui Asi, Kwaio boys and MOI Dancers from Malaita province, Bilikiki from western province, Avaiki from Renbel province, Tiare Tonga Dancers from Tikopia Temotu Province, Gerusa from central Islands province, Temaiuri Gilbert Tamure group, Finua from Makira Ulawa, Lauru/Kuvojo from Choiseul, Lisa Dila from Isabel Province and Mauri from the Guadalcanal province.
Iromea said that he believes in the integration of culture with the school curriculum of the Solomon Islands to allow space for students to continue involving in outdoor activities and maintain their cultural backgrounds.
“I believe that when they show casing their cultural identity, people came to respect and understand each other,” he pointed out. “Without culture we will not exist.”
The theme of the event is “Empowering students culturally through education”.
He said the school is making use of Students talents and knowledge about their culture to promote peace, unity and at the same time raise fund to facilitate their involvement in social activities.
Iromea upholds that the students are passionate about the annual cultural event, maintaining that it provides the avenue to sustain culture through education.
Meanwhile, Head Boy and also the leader of Avaiki Students Cultural Group, Waren Pugemoana, said the event is not only a cultural day but an opportunity for students to recognise the importance of highlighting and keeping artistic identity of their origins alive.
He said local cultures integrated into education and democracy can be an unifying factor as young ethnic groups not only showcase their cultures but also appreciate their uniqueness.
The first school cultural event was held last year during the one-week break.


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant Contestants 2016.  From left-Falu Alatala, Zinia Leamana, Food and Beverage Manager of the Plutinum Sponsor, Coral Sea Resort and Casino Steve Cameron , Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Camilla Grossmith


SIX contestants are selected to compete in this year’s Miss Solomon Islands Queen Pageant, advocating the theme “Women the Pillars of Society – Past, Present and Future”.
They are Falu Alatala, Zinnia Leamana, Camilla Grossmith, Elizabeth Makini, Ruthina Koroa and Sara Cave.
They were selected out of 11 entrants after an interview last week.
Director of Solomon Hosts, Joyce Konofilia said she is happy with the selection and very proud of the girls. She also thanks Coral Sea for being the platinum sponsor for this year.
“We had an interview last week, it was very tough, and so we had to drop some girls. We have the six best ones.”
Five of the contestant spoke to media yesterday while an internationally based contestant, Sara will joined them next week.
“We will be starting the rehearsal for cut walk and charity visits. The sixth contestant will joined them on Monday or Tuesday.
“I think this year is going to be very tough compared to the previous years, all the girls are highly educated and very confident and looking forward to a very tough competition, also to get the best girl to go to miss South Pacific.”
Ms Konofilia said it will be easier to organise a smaller group and will be great to have the crowning at the Coral Sea resort, which is now gaining popularity.
The contestants said that involving in the event means a lot to them as the first time experience will help them in life and also to advocate for gender equality.
The contestants said that the show is important to enhance confidence, self-esteem and to empower young women and also to be an inspiration to other girls.
Ms Konofilia said, “A lot of people already asking about the crowing and I’m really optimistic it’s going to be a great event for this year.”
Coral Seas Food and Beverage Manager Steve Cameron said, “I think it will be a really good show, I wish them every success, we are proud to have it. We are a new venture for Solomon Islands and Honiara and I think it’s a really good thing to do for the local community and local women as I said we employ a lot of women here.”
Coral Sea Resort and Casino sealed the agreement with organiser Solomon Hosts on Wednesday.
The pageant will be from October 27 – 29, 2016, and the winner will represent the country in the Miss Pacific Pageant on November in Samoa.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

 Recruiting season for New Zealand RSE Scheme begins

HUNDREDS jammed the foreign Affairs ministry office this week as another recruiting season of the Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) for New Zealand begins.
Labour Mobility Unit (LMU) said an employer from New Zealand is in Honiara since last week to recruit new seasonal workers for the season.
LMU said, the scheme is demand driven and the employer only recruited 60 people to fill 60 spots available.
The employer is in the country to also meet current employees with good track record in the RSE Scheme;
The good news for interested people is that the employer may include new workers, if interview results show favourable outcomes.

LMU said, agents and employers are expected to start recruiting for the new season, however amount of workers needed depends on the demand.
"Number of workers employed keeps increasing; overall, we have good record with both Australia and New Zealand" LMU said.
 564 Locals were recruited under the RSE scheme during the last 12 month season from September 2015 to September 2016.
LMU said, that 70 local RSE workers are yet to return to Solomon Islands before the season lapse.
The RSE scheme was introduced by the NZ government in 2007 to meet labour demands for horticulture and viticulture industries in New Zealand.
 LMU said Vanuatu and Fiji are now included in a new pilot program in Carpentry and Fisheries. Solomon Islands will be considered for the trades after assessment, depending on demand.

"Employers are required to pay for half of their employees' international air fare, and ensure that workers have access to suitable accommodation, medical insurance, translation, access to religious and cultural activities, food and health services," ILO said.


Outgoing Nursing Students want their Grant

2016 outgoing nursing students' appeals to the Management of Solomon Islands National University to explain to them why they are not receiving $10k practicum allowance.
Year three nursing students told the paper that they now spent a week in the dormitory doing nothing while they should be out engaging in practical learning.
"A Student should at least get $10k for practical allowance, but was not given" year three nursing students said.
The students claimed that there's no clarification on the accommodation refunds from SINU hostels. They said students are entitled to equal share on accommodation allowances while in the field.
Year three nursing students of this year is the last group sponsored under the ministry of Health. The responsibility has been shifted to the National Training Unit in the Ministry of Education.
Director of Nursing Michael Larui said the full sponsored package for the Students is more than $2million.
He said, the fund covered student's allowances during the study period and the tuition which has been payed to the school account. The payment for tuition also includes the allowances for practicum.
"We have already raised the payment for the remaining tuition," he said.  "Whatever that will be given to students is SINU's responsibility."
"Good for SINU to explain to the students. If there are any differences in calculation then they should be informed."
He said, students also claimed that amount allocated to them this year is less than what has been allocated for previous students.
However, source from the SINU management reported that the payment of allowances is under process.
