
Monday 21 November 2016


Tuesday 1 November 2016


Exceptional wedding at HERITAGE PARK HOTEL....

HERITAGE PARK HOTEL hosted a unique wedding ceremony on the 1st of November 2016 for Australian Couple, Adam Steven Frew and wife Briohny Erin Cook from cairns Australia.
 The fascinated couple tied the knot at the Hotel’s Splash Bar accompanied by daughter Ruby Frew, after they had signed the marriage certificate at the Honiara’s Magistrate court upon arrival early in the morning on board P&O Australia operated Tourist boat, Pacific Eden.
They travelled to Honiara on the cruise ship via PNG and are amazed at the welcoming culture and friendly atmosphere in the tropical Solomon Islands.
The bride said that their first plan was to organize their wedding on the grand Cruiser.
However, googling for Hotels and Resorts in Honiara during the cruise directed them to the Hotel’s website (
 They had wanted to begin their honeymoon in a unique and different setting, so they changed their plan for a magnificent wedding at a world class hospitality provider in an idealistic tropical setting.
She said, what impressed her at first glimpse is the picture of the Splash Bar’s Poolside and while at the Hotel, prior to exchanging wows with the groom, she was satisfied that the real life scene confirms the pictures on the website.
Not only is that but the couple are more satisfied that they had chosen the best hotel in the capital with pleasant atmosphere.  The bridal procession was graced by Panpipe Music, young escorts in traditional costumes, local Hotel attendants and aides from the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB).
 The intrigued couple who fulfilled their plan and begin a new journey in their life in the Tropical Island Country said that Solomon Islands is truly a happy isle. “Solomon Islands is one of the friendliest places we’ve been to,” Mr Frew said.
“Just like the picture, the weather is perfect,” the bride said.  I like the heat, a perfect place to be,” the groom added.
Briohny said, the happy isle is incredible and they were blown away by the culture and friendliness they discovered in Honiara.
She said, they are informing their families and friends in Australia and New Zealand about their Tropical wedding, on Social Media.
The “one of a kind” wedding ceremony was conducted by United Church Minister Reverend Willie Maezama. Reverend Maezama who owned a rest house in Honiara is a keen promoter of Tourism in the country.
He upholds that the advantage of conducting marriage outside the church is the freedom of meeting the tourists to assist them in their new experiences as well as helping them to be more aware of the happy isle.
He suggested the government have to be lenient and amend the existing applicable law to allow other avenues for the hosting of Marriages.