
Sunday 24 July 2016

Central Guadalcanal community commemorated WWII Soldiers  

Turarana community in the Island of Guadalcanal commemorated the 1942 battle of Guadalcanal in a ceremony described as Haivunga and Kavahau in the central Guadalcanal dialect, on Saturday.

The ceremony was also celebrated with the launching of a new cultural site in Turarana village.

Captain Christopher George and Sergeant Kyle Hennesey represented the US consular in the Solomon Islands at the event.

A statement from community leader and organizer of the event Ribson Nunua explained that The Haivunga and Kavahau Ceremony is to honor those who fought during the second World War in Guadalcanal.

“The ceremony is to commemorate and honor brave soldiers who fought in our land during the World War two.” The statement said.

US representative Capt. George upholds that it is an honor to attend the event to remember the Soldiers who served in the war. 

He acknowledged locals who assisted US soldiers during the War as United States and Solomon Islands will continue to build from the relationship.

Turarana Village which is about 40 minutes’ drive from Honiara, is located east of the Gold ridge mining site.