
Monday 23 May 2016


First 3 Dimensions Cinema opens at Sol Plaza, Town Ground in Honiara recently.
Manager of 3D Entertainment explained that he wants to give movie enthusiasts in Honiara different taste of the film entertainment by experiencing the 3D Technology.
The Chinese Owner said that cost of setting up the Cinema is more expensive, however he wants to try the local market. He said, if demand for 3D is high then he will consider opening other Cinemas in various locations in the City. Not only that but will probably move on to 4D and 5D in the future if the Technology will going to attract more audience.

Friday 20 May 2016


Photos by Livett

         Spur of the moment at Heritage Park Hotel Honiara Solomon Islands. 18th May 2016. Photo by          Livett. Phone: 7367311

                                      Credit Corporation Point Cruz Honiara 20th May 2016 


Photos by Livett 


                                         Photos by Benz Newman 18th May 2016


THE GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) will now focused on building more resilient communities within areas affected by recent flash floods.
This is made possible with the continuous partnership and support from Asian Development Bank (ADB) with aim of raising and maintaining local sustainable economy.
According to ADB’s press statement this week the local Government signed a contract with China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) to implement an ADB USD$9.1M Transport Sector Flood Recovery Project in Guadalcanal province.
ADB’s Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office (PLCO) Senior Project Officer Rishi Ram Adhar said that the project marks a milestone for Solomon Islands especially in Guadalcanal Province.
He said ADB has been working in partnership with the Local Government for years in infrastructure development as well as institutionalizing reforms, in spite of political setbacks. He affirms that the ADB funded project is to build climate chance resilience structure, not only that, but upholds that ADB through the PLCO will continue to support the ministry of Infrastructure in terms of institutional reform.
Acting Permanent secretary Moses Virivolomo pointed out that the transport sector is the driver of the economy and the aim of the project is to reconnect communities to continue with business activities. Not only that but the project is designed to construct sustainable infrastructure to withstand any future floods or natural disaster.
Project designer SMEC Australia PTY LTD will be assisting CHEC in supervising the 14 months project to reconstruct and restore transport infrastructure in Guadalcanal.
“Prolonged heavy rain in April 2014 associated with Tropical Cyclone Ita caused severe flooding in the nation’s capital, Honiara and across Guadalcanal Province. There were 23 deaths and 52,000 people were reportedly affected. Major Infrastructure including sewerage systems, water supplies and major roads and bridges were badly damaged or destroyed.”
“The Ministry of Infrastructure Development is the executing agency for the project which aims to build more resilient communities by ensuring restored bridges, stream crossings, culverts and bridge approach roads can better withstand more frequent natural disasters and other challenges expected from climate change.”
“The project’s funding is drawn from ADB’s Disaster Response Facility. ADB’s financing is $13.22 million (half loan, half grant) while the Solomon Islands Government is contributing $2.36 million equivalent.”
“Since 2000, ADB has supported the Solomon Islands’ efforts to improve and develop its transport sector through eight major projects.” A statement from ADB reads.

Tuesday 10 May 2016


30 years old Englishman Simon Small had travelled to almost 40 countries. As a kid, he’s interested in atlas and flags of different countries and he started travelling at the age of sixteen to New Zealand on a school exchange. As he said, in Aoteoroa schools are 90 percent Polynesians and Melanesians and that’s also when he began to learn about the Melanesian Culture from Fijians, Ni Vanuatu, and PNG as well as Solomon Islands Students studying in New Zealand.
The Middle aged school Teacher arrived in Honiara early 2016 and went to Langa Langa Lagoon in Malaita province on an arrangement to witness the culture and tradition of the shell money producers. However his first impression of the Happy Isle is a documentary he ones saw in the Arab Television Channel Aljazeera.
“I learned about Solomon Islands through television. I saw a documentary about Malaita on Aljazeera, it was about the dolphin teeth.” He said.
One of the reasons as to why he had to select his countries of destination in the Pacific islands is not only the preserved traditions and the tropical serenity, but as he had mentioned he’s much more absorbed to communities in which are not so popular to  foreign tourist visiting the Melanesian Island Nations.
He said, tourist are really interested in places like Cambodia with a lot of cultural sites, however he said that the popularity of traditional sites also makes them difficult to be preserve as Tourist visits them frequently.
“Travelling is my Hobby and I travelled to almost 40 countries.” He said.“I like the fact that there are not a lot of other tourists coming here.
 I only went to New Zealand, Australia, Raratonga and other Asian Countries.
He chose to travel to Malaita because it is close to Honiara as well as because of his interest in cultural site and traditional way of living.
“I haven’t had enough information about Solomon Islands, he said. I only have information about Honiara and Western Province; tourism should produce more information about the country.”I’m not interested in resorts, he said. In Malaita I can visit Traditional and custom sites.
“I went to Langa langa Lagoon at the Busu cultural village I met chief Thomas Dakuo Butaisi and he showed me around. I saw how they make the shell money. I also went to Riba cave where the ancestors’ warrior lived.”
I went to Lilisiana just to experience the life and the culture in the Solomon Islands and travelled as far as Kwaibala water fall Fiu river and Osi lake with the assistance of a tour guide Mr. Silas Malai.
Simeon said he absolutely enjoyed while in Auki especially in langa langa as he stayed at the Auki Motel.
“I feel like that’s really Solomon Islands, because my impression of Solomon Islands is a small community where people live in a traditional way with beautiful villages.” He said.
“I think it’s important for tourists not to spend so much time in Honiara and that’s why I want to have more information about Solomon Islands.”
The Caribbean brood who’s Father from Barbados and Mother from Trinidad and Tobago said that Solomon Islands similarity to the Caribbean is not only the tropical climate and fruits but also the pace on which everyone is doing something. He said our slowness in doing things also connected to the climate.
“You can’t run or rush into doing things, because it is hot.” He said. Another similarity in Solomon islands
 compared to the Caribbean is, the villagers are warm and welcoming.” He added.
He said the Caribbeans also live in small communities and the culture is quite similar as people live in big families and when they married they remain in their families.
My impression of Solomon Islands is extremely relaxed in movement he said. It is a country where people respect their roots.
Simon small arrived in Solomon Islands on Monday 22 february and left for England on Sunday the week after.
He also said that Solomon Airlines is very expensive as well as keeping up to schedule is another problem for transport service, as he recalled when he had arrived on the exact time to travel to Malaita on the 360 Discovery, but had to wait for another 45minutes.
LM Comfort RS